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Tag: robots

This is the sixth post in our series from our Thermoforming Handbook, a guide that, until now, was only available to our customers and partners. We’re releasing the whole thing in a series of posts right here on our blog.

We’ve previously released:

If you’re someone who uses custom plastic manufacturing professionally and you’re interested in getting your own copy, just send us a message and we’ll be happy to send you one. As always, these are general guidelines. Any project or design needs to be reviewed by a qualified thermoforming professional before it goes into production, and the sooner you get one of those qualified professionals involved in the process, the smoother things tend to go.  If you’re looking for a qualified professional, we know a few who would be happy to help.

Every part that comes out of a thermoforming machine must be trimmed. In 1949 when Ray Products was founded, this process was carried out with hand tools. Today, we use high-precision 6-axis trimming robots to carry out the process quickly, and cost-effectively.


Tag: robots

Recently, Plastics News published an interesting article with an interesting chart. The chart showed the “number of multipurpose industrial robots per 10,000 employees in the manufacturing industry.

Essentially, it’s one measure of how advanced each country’s manufacturing sector is.

China, with just 49 robots per 10,000 manufacturing industry employees, is at the low end. South Korea, with 531 robots per 10,000 employees, is at the top of the chart. The United States, with 176, is somewhere in the middle.

So, we wondered how we stacked up.

It turns out that, if Ray Products were a country, we’d have the most advanced, most automated manufacturing sector in the world.

Robot Density Per Employee

If only…

Tag: robots

Ever wonder what goes on inside a thermoforming factory?  No?  Well, we’re going to show you anyway.

A while back, we were playing around with a GoPro and decided someone (even if it’s not you) might like to see the inner workings of Ray Products’ Theromoforming operations.  So, here you go.

Large Part Thermoforming


Here – a piece of plastic enters our large part thermoforming machine (capable of handling 10′ x 18′ projects, though this one is much smaller), gets heated to a pliable temperature, and is then vacuum formed against the shape its mold.


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